anyone at any age can enjoy and have fun on a sup... get on a sup today and be part of the fastest growing sport that is a great exercise and fun for all ages, family and friends... get your own or try a stand up paddle board today... Tags: supfamily supsup with friendssup with familychildren supchild standup paddleboardinflatable supelderly supall agesserenaserena paddle sportsfamily funserena paddleboardsserena yogasup yogasup exercisesup fungroup activitiesgroup paddlefamily paddlepaddling adventurestand up paddle boardserena classicserena clothingserena namasteserena cruiserserena surfboardsopen water racertouring boardisuphappysmilinggrow youngsup workoutadventureboard rentalscomplete supsup rentalsclassic supteam activitiessup paddleexcitementexcursionactivitiesbeach activitieslake rentalslake activitiesharbor supharbor activities danbrowne's blog